Is your community association insured properly? Having the correct Ponte Vedra Beach Florida Condo Association Insurance is a key aspect of that equation. While there are many insurance carriers that claim to offer their customers with “affordable” insurance policies, they do not always provide the proper coverage. That’s why it is a must that potential clients to do the proper research and get alternative quotes. Check out our handy guide to Florida Condo Association Insurance today!

According to the Florida law, Chapter 718 fo the Florida Statutes, (The Condominium Act) that have been put into place, any condo association in Florida must be willing to provide the proper amount of insurance. Receiving comprehensive quotes is crucial. Experts recommend taking the time to meet with an independent insurance agent and appraisal firm to find out more about potential costs. These meetings let the client know exactly how much protection they are going to need.

The appraisal lets the client know more about the replacement cost of the insured property and offers them the background needed to make a prudent decision. These costs are determined by establishing the initial costs of the property plus the costs of repair or replacement. Depreciation is not deducted in these instances.

Learn more about the Moran Insurance Association Insurance team and Condo Insurance. Give us a call today, 904-280-2589!