Minimum Premium Workers Compensation Insurance For Homeowner Associations: A Closer Look
Homeowners Associations that are looking for the proper insurance coverage must take a closer look at their community association insurance requirements via their bylaws. There are a number of areas that have to be addressed before an association can enjoy peace of mind. Minimum premium workers compensation insurance is often a confusing topic for associations.
For example, business owners will need to have a certain level of insurance to cover their employees. However, associations fall into the trap of believing that they are not subject to these requirements. The laws in the state of Florida are rather precise when it comes to this topic.
While an association may not consider themselves to be a business, any non-construction entity that is currently employing more than four people must obtain a certain level of insurance. This is where minimum premium workers compensation insurance for associations comes into play.
This is one of the most crucial aspects of community association insurance. It keeps an association insulated against various costs. When workers are injured on the job, the costs of their medical care and recovery become the responsibility of the association that they are employed by. Missed wages must also be covered by the association in question.
That’s why this form of insurance is so important. An association will typically not have the funds on hand to withstand these sorts of expenses. Florida officials have put certain laws into place, in hopes of assisting businesses of all kinds and allowing them to avoid these fates.
Corporate offices that considered to be sole proprietors are not legally obligated to purchase this sort of coverage but it is strongly suggested that they do so. There are a wide range of penalties that an association is leaving themselves susceptible to when they are not willing to obtain the proper insurance. Even when an association is theoretically not required to obtain this insurance, it is still necessary.
Scheduling a consultation to find out more about the protection needed is of the utmost importance. Otherwise, an association is placing themselves and their current/future assets at risk. Learning as much as possible about the costs and how this form of insurance works is crucial. There are certain nuances that need to be discussed in an open forum, so that the client has a stronger level of awareness.
No association that is regularly relying on the assistance of various employees should ever operate without the usage of minimum premium workers compensation insurance. It has never been easier for a potential client to contact an insurer and receive a helpful quote. Those who take the time to schedule consultations, study the statutes of their region and educate themselves as much as possible are able to remain protected over the short term and long haul.