Thinking that because where you reside in Florida is not your permanent place then you cannot insure your properties within or without? Think again! A Florida renters insurance can keep the things that matter to you safe, whether it is your home or your furniture. Renters insurance not only offer covers for all the properties of your home in the event of a fire or burglary but goes a step further to cover expenses for any visitor who accidentally slips and falls on your property.
Many people have the misconception that their possessions are not worth much to be insured. Remember though that replacing all items ranging from shoes, clothes, bags, appliances, jewelries and computers can cost so much if they are damaged or stolen. That is why coverage by Florida renters insurance is putting your valuable possessions in good hands.
Your landlord has an insurance policy covering his structure. This obviously lets you know that you are responsible for your property. Even in renting a flat in a building with other flats, mishaps might occur from other renters so take advantage of Florida renters insurance coverage that are tailored to fit every budget. Renters Insurance can be very affordable sometimes costing as little as a morning latte or even your lunch.
Florida renters insurance typically has four types of coverage that can be customized on your renters insurance otherwise called HO-4 policy and each coverage has a minimum and maximum coverage amount.
- Coverage for your personal property: for personal properties on or off the property. It also covers guests personal properties located on your rented property.
Replacement cost coverage for contents is included in a Security first insurance policy. - Coverage if rental becomes inhabitable: This coverage provides expenses for alternate housing in the event of a covered loss making your rented property inhabitable. Though it is for the period of repair or replacement, it covers cost for food, clothing and a place to stay. It is important here to keep receipts of all expenses in order to receive correct reimbursements.
- Coverage for Personal liability insurance: covers you in the event of a lawsuit claiming body injury or property damage.
- Coverage for medical payments: This policy covers medical payments to guests injured on or by your property. It also covers family members who live with you.
Many Florida renters insurance packages not only offer discounts on their policies but also offer other valuable optional coverage that can be included to your renter’s insurance policy like dog liability, personal injury among others.
What are you waiting for? Protect your home with a Florida renters insurance policy today and find the right renters insurance policy at the right price just for you.